Evidence for the Bible -  Consider Christianity Volume I


Evidence for the Bible

Pages: 208
ISBN: 1-893729-29-X
SKU: 189372929X
Price: $16.99
Special Price: $12.50
(Sale Ends: 2006-04-15. Special price by arrangement with publisher. To activate, follow the link to their site, and return using their link to us.)
Author: Hushbeck, Jr., Elgin L
Note: Are there rational reasons to believe that the Bible is inspired and is a message from God? Elgin Hushbeck Jr. discusses the evidence in favor of the Bible

Onder Evidence for the Bible





Price: $19.99

Note: Get volume one of this set with the study guide; great for study groups and church classes


In its first edition, Consider Christianity by Elgin L. Hushbeck, Jr. presented a basic defense of the Christian faith suitable for use by the thoughtful layman or the clergyman in need of answers to key questions about the reasons for faith.

In this new edition from Energion Publications, he has reorganized and expanded the material, and divided it into two volumes. This volume is the first and deals with the Bible, its inspiration and authority. The second will deal with evidences for the existence and nature of God.

You can look at the How to Read this Book section for more information on what this book covers.


How to Read this Book

The aim of the Consider Christianity Series is to present a systematic defense of the Christian Faith, with this volume focusing on the evidence for the Bible. Because of this step by step approach, different people will want to read this book in different ways. This book was written with non-Christians in mind and as such it tries to address a vast range of questions and objections. Since not everyone will start this book with the same beliefs, not everyone will want to start with Chapter 1 or even read the chapters in order. For example, Chapter 1 deals with the text of Bible and the Canon of Scripture (why some books were included and others left out). If this is not an issue for you, you may want to skip this chapter. In short, while this book is a step by step argument for the Christian faith, you might only want to read the areas where you have questions.

Below is a brief description of each chapter of the book. This will give you an idea of some of the questions addressed in each chapter so you can easily find the issues that are of interest to you.

Volume I - Evidence for the Bible

ONE How Did we get the Bible? 3
What were the origins of the Bible? Was the Bible changed by the early church councils? Who chose the books? How do we know that the Bible has not changed over the years in the translation process? In short, do we have the Bible as it was written by the apostles and prophets?
TWO The Bible and Modern Criticism 27
Once it has been established that the Bible is the same as when it was written, the question still remains - Who wrote it? Modern Criticism has been a truly destructive force which, under the guise of empirical research, has undermined the faith of many. This chapter looks at Modern Critical methods and shows that, not only are many of them unscientific, they are biased against Christianity from the start.
THREE Archaeology and the Bible 57
Although it may be true that the Bible has come down to us intact, this means little if what the apostles and prophets wrote was wrong. In this chapter the Bible is compared to the findings of archaeology and, after discussing the problems with such comparisons, we see that there is a great deal of support.
FOUR Science vs. Religion? 77
Perhaps nothing has challenged faith more than the discoveries of modern science. Are science and religion locked in mortal combat? What is the proper relationship between them? Can they exist together or must you choose to believe one or the other? While some conflict is inevitable, this in no way threatens the validity of either religion or science.
FIVE Science and the Bible 103
Having shown that science and religion need not be mortal enemies, there still remains the question of whether or not modern science has shown the Bible to be false. Using what was learned in chapter four, the questions of creation and evolution are examined. The different views of the creation account in Genesis are compared to the findings of modern science and evolution.
SIX Is The Bible Reliable? 131
This chapter examines the historical reliability of the Bible. How can we tell if a document is reliable or not? After examining the methods used to judge historical documents. These methods are applied to the Bible, including the question of contradictions in the Bible. The result is that the Bible can be trusted.
SEVEN The Word of God or the Speculations of Men? 151
So the Bible we have today is the same as that written by the apostle and prophets, it does accurately describe events, it does not contradict itself and it has not been disproved by modern science. This means little if it is only the writings of men. This chapter examines prophecy in the Bible to see that no human could have written this book alone. The Bible is not just the speculations of men but it is the Word of God