July 2024


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The Reliability of the Gospel stories on Google Hangout

December 10th, 2014 by Elgin Hushbeck

Join me tonight from 7:00 – 8:00 PM CT as I will be discussing the Reliability of the Gospel stories with Thomas Hudgins (translator, Aprenda a leer el Griego del Nuevo Testamento),  and missionary Rev. Mike Bradley, just in time for Advent!

The Ten Commandments

December 7th, 2014 by Elgin Hushbeck

Prager University has just posted a wonderful new set of short videos (about 5 min each) on the 10 Commandments,  why they are the best moral code ever written, and why they are relevant for today. I highly recommend these.


Hebrews 10:21-26

October 22nd, 2014 by Elgin Hushbeck

A verse by verse study of Hebrews
    D    A Better Result (10:1-18)
        1    The Old Covenant could not save (10:1-4)
        2    Christ established a New Covenant (10:5-10)
        3    An eternal Result (10:11-14)
        4    Confirmed by the Holy Spirit (10:15-18)
    E    E. Closing Exhortation (10:19-39)
        1    Our new status (10:19-21)
        2    Draw near to God (10:22-25)
        3    Keep sinning no sacrifice (10:26-27)

        4    Analogy – Breaking the Laws of Moses (10:28-31)
        5    Confidence in past suffering (10:32-35)
        6    God is trustworthy (10:36-37)
        7    Link (10:38-9)



Hebrews 10:15-20

October 22nd, 2014 by Elgin Hushbeck

A verse by verse study of Hebrews
    D    A Better Result (10:1-18)
        1    The Old Covenant could not save (10:1-4)
        2    Christ established a New Covenant (10:5-10)
        3    An eternal Result (10:11-14)
        4    Confirmed by the Holy Spirit (10:15-18)
    E    E. Closing Exhortation (10:19-39)
        1    Our new status (10:19-21)

        2    Draw near to God (10:22-25)
        3    Keep sinning no sacrifice (10:26-27)
        4    Analogy – Breaking the Laws of Moses (10:28-31)
        5    Confidence in past suffering (10:32-35)
        6    God is trustworthy (10:36-37)
        7    Link (10:38-9)



Hebrews 10:10-14

September 25th, 2014 by Elgin Hushbeck

A verse by verse study of Hebrews
    D    A Better Result (10:1-18)
        1    The Old Covenant could not save (10:1-4)
        2    Christ established a New Covenant (10:5-10)
        3    An eternal Result (10:11-14)

        4    Confirmed by the Holy Spirit (10:15-18)
    E    E. Closing Exhortation (10:19-39)
        1    Our new status (10:19-21)
        2    Draw near to God (10:22-25)
        3    Keep sinning no sacrifice (10:26-27)
        4    Analogy – Breaking the Laws of Moses (10:28-31)
        5    Confidence in past suffering (10:32-35)
        6    God is trustworthy (10:36-37)
        7    Link (10:38-9)



Hebrews 10:1-9

September 17th, 2014 by Elgin Hushbeck

A verse by verse study of Hebrews
    D    A Better Result (10:1-18)
        1    The Old Covenant could not save (10:1-4)
        2    Christ established a New Covenant (10:5-10)

        3    An eternal Result (10:11-14)
        4    Confirmed by the Holy Spirit (10:15-18)
    E    E. Closing Exhortation (10:19-39)
        1    Our new status (10:19-21)
        2    Draw near to God (10:22-25)
        3    Keep sinning no sacrifice (10:26-27)
        4    Analogy – Breaking the Laws of Moses (10:28-31)
        5    Confidence in past suffering (10:32-35)
        6    God is trustworthy (10:36-37)
        7    Link (10:38-9)



Hebrews 9:16-28

September 9th, 2014 by Elgin Hushbeck

Hebrews 9:16-28
A verse by verse study of Hebrews
IV     The Great Work of Jesus (5:11-10:39)
    A     Preliminary Exhortation (5:11 6:20)
    B    A Better Priesthood (7:1-28)
    C    A Better Offering (8:1 9:28)
        1    Intro: A New High Priest (8:1-2)
        2        A shadow of thing to come (8:3-13)
                a        The OT Priesthood a shadow of thing to come (8:3-6)
                b        A shadow of a new Covenant to come (8:7-13)
        3            The old Covenant (9:1-7)
                a                The earthly sanctuary (9:1-5)
                b                The earthly offering (9:6-7)
        4                Way not yet disclosed (9:8)
        5                    Old covenant external (9:9-10)
        6                        The True offering (9:11-12) **** Center of Letter
        7                    New Covenant internal (9:13-14)
        8                Christ the mediator of the new covenant (9:15)
        9            The Old Covenant ratified with Blood (9:16-22
        10        Christ fulfills what was for shadowed (9:23-26)
        11    Link (9:27-28) )



Hebrews 9:13-17

August 26th, 2014 by Elgin Hushbeck

A verse by verse study of Hebrews
IV     The Great Work of Jesus (5:11-10:39)
    A     Preliminary Exhortation (5:11 6:20)
    B    A Better Priesthood (7:1-28)
    C    A Better Offering (8:1 9:28)
        1    Intro: A New High Priest (8:1-2)
        2        A shadow of thing to come (8:3-13)
                a        The OT Priesthood a shadow of thing to come (8:3-6)
                b        A shadow of a new Covenant to come (8:7-13)
        3            The old Covenant (9:1-7)
                a                The earthly sanctuary (9:1-5)
                b                The earthly offering (9:6-7)
        4                Way not yet disclosed (9:8)
        5                    Old covenant external (9:9-10)
        6                        The True offering (9:11-12) **** Center of Letter
        7                    New Covenant internal (9:13-14)
        8                Christ the mediator of the new covenant (9:15)
        9            The Old Covenant ratified with Blood (9:16-22)

        10        Christ fulfills what was for shadowed (9:23-26)
        11    Link (9:27-28)



Hebrews 9:6-12

August 21st, 2014 by Elgin Hushbeck

A verse by verse study of Hebrews

IV     The Great Work of Jesus (5:11-10:39)
    A     Preliminary Exhortation (5:11 6:20)
    B    A Better Priesthood (7:1-28)
    C    A Better Offering (8:1 9:28)
        1    Intro: A New High Priest (8:1-2)
        2        A shadow of thing to come (8:3-13)
                a        The OT Priesthood a shadow of thing to come (8:3-6)
                b        A shadow of a new Covenant to come (8:7-13)
        3            The old Covenant (9:1-7)
                a                The earthly sanctuary (9:1-5)
                b                The earthly offering (9:6-7)
        4                Way not yet disclosed (9:8)
        5                    Old covenant external (9:9-10)
        6                        The True offering (9:11-12) **** Center of Letter

        7                    New Covenant internal (9:13-14)
        8                Christ the mediator of the new covenant (9:15)
        9            The Old Covenant ratified with Blood (9:16-22)
        10        Christ fulfills what was for shadowed (9:23-26)
        11    Link (9:27-28)



Hebrews 8:13-9:5

July 29th, 2014 by Elgin Hushbeck

A verse by verse study of the book of Hebrews.

IV     The Great Work of Jesus (5:11-10:39)
    A     Preliminary Exhortation (5:11 6:20)
    B    A Better Priesthood (7:1-28)
    C    A Better Offering (8:1 9:28)
        1    Intro: A New High Priest (8:1-2)
        2        A shadow of thing to come (8:3-13)
                a        The OT Priesthood a shadow of thing to come (8:3-6)
                b        A shadow of a new Covenant to come (8:7-13)
        3            The old Covenant (9:1-7)
                a                The earthly sanctuary (9:1-5)

                b                The earthly offering (9:6-7)
        4                Way not yet disclosed (9:8)
        5                    Old covenant external (9:9-10)
        6                        The True offering (9:11-12) **** Center of Letter
        7                    New Covenant internal (9:13-14)
        8                Christ the mediator of the new covenant (9:15)
        9            The Old Covenant ratified with Blood (9:16-22)
        10        Christ fulfills what was for shadowed (9:23-26)
        11    Link (9:27-28)

