July 2024


To Love and Cherish

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Christianity: The Basics

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Christianity and Secularism

Evidence for the Bible

Hebrews 6:7-9

Wednesday, May 14th, 2014 by Elgin Hushbeck

A verse by verse study of the book of Hebrews.

IV     The Great Work of Jesus (5:11-10:39)
    A     Preliminary Exhortation (5:11 6:20)
        1    You are still infants (5:11-14)
        2    Go on to Maturity (6:1-3)
        3    Impossible to renew (6:4-6)
        4    Analogy – Good and bad land (6:7-8)
        5    Confidence in past work (6:9-12)

        6    God is trustworthy (6:13-19a)
        7    Link (6:19b-20)


Hebrews 6:3-6

Wednesday, May 14th, 2014 by Elgin Hushbeck

A verse by verse study of the book of Hebrews.

IV     The Great Work of Jesus (5:11-10:39)
    A     Preliminary Exhortation (5:11 6:20)
        1    You are still infants (5:11-14)
        2    Go on to Maturity (6:1-3)
        3    Impossible to renew (6:4-6)

        4    Analogy – Good and bad land (6:7-8)
        5    Confidence in past work (6:9-12)
        6    God is trustworthy (6:13-19a)
        7    Link (6:19b-20)



Hebrews 5:13-6:2

Wednesday, May 14th, 2014 by Elgin Hushbeck

A verse by verse study of the book of Hebrews.

IV     The Great Work of Jesus (5:11-10:39)
    A     Preliminary Exhortation (5:11 6:20)
        1    You are still infants (5:11-14)
        2    Go on to Maturity (6:1-3)

        3    Impossible to renew (6:4-6)
        4    Analogy – Good and bad land (6:7-8)
        5    Confidence in past work (6:9-12)
        6    God is trustworthy (6:13-19a)
        7    Link (6:19b-20)
    C     A Faithful High Priest (3:1 4:13)



Hebrews 5:7-5:12

Wednesday, May 14th, 2014 by Elgin Hushbeck

A verse by verse study of the book of Hebrews.

III     Jesus the High Priest (3:1-5:10)
    A     A Faithful High Priest (3:1 4:13)
    B     Exhortation – We must be faithful (3:7-4-14)
    C     A Compassionate High Priest (4:14-5:9)
        1    Jesus has experienced human weakness (4:14-16)
        2    Example of other high priest (5:1-4)
        3    Jesus fulfills the example (5:5-9)
                a    Appointed by God (5:5-6)
                b    His life among us (5:7-9)
        4    Link – just like Melchizedek (5:10)
IV     The Great Work of Jesus (5:11-10:39)
    A     Preliminary Exhortation (5:11 6:20)
        1    You are still infants (5:11-14)



Hebrews 4:10-13

Thursday, May 1st, 2014 by Elgin Hushbeck

A verse by verse study of the book of Hebrews.

III     Jesus the High Priest (3:1-5:10)
    A     A Faithful High Priest (3:1 4:13)
    B    Exhortation – We must be faithful (3:7-4-14)
        1    Avoid Past Mistakes (3:7-19)
        2    The Rest of God (4:1-11)
                a    Exhortation to Enter (4:1)
                b    Contrast with Wilderness Generation(4:2-6)
                c    God’s rest still open (4:7-10)
                d    Exhortation to Enter (4:11)
        3    Heed The Warning – God sees all (4:12-13)

    C     A Faithful High Priest (3:1 4:13)



Hebrews 4:3-8

Thursday, May 1st, 2014 by Elgin Hushbeck

A verse by verse study of the book of Hebrews.
III     Jesus the High Priest (3:1-5:10)
    A     A Faithful High Priest (3:1 4:13)
    B    Exhortation – We must be faithful (3:7-4-14)
        1    Avoid Past Mistakes (3:7-19)
        2    The Rest of God (4:1-11)
                a    Exhortation to Enter (4:1)
                b    Contrast with Wilderness Generation(4:2-6)
                c    God’s rest still open (4:7-10)

                d    Exhortation to Enter (4:11)



Hebrews 3:15-4:2

Wednesday, April 30th, 2014 by Elgin Hushbeck

A verse by verse study of the book of Hebrews.

III     Jesus the High Priest (3:1-5:10)
    A     A Faithful High Priest (3:1 4:13)
        1    Jesus is faithful (Greater Than Moses) (3:1-6)
    B    Exhortation – We must be faithful (3:7-4-14)
        1    Avoid Past Mistakes (3:7-19)
                i    OT citation (3:7-11)
                ii    Instead encourage one another (3:12-15)
                iii    Example – the followers of Moses (3:16-18)
                iv    Link (3:19)
        2    The Rest of God (4:1-11)
                a    Exhortation to Enter (4:1)
                b    Contrast with Wilderness Generation(4:2-6)

                c    God’s rest still open (4:7-10)
                d    Exhortation to Enter (4:11)



Hebrews 3:11-15

Wednesday, April 30th, 2014 by Elgin Hushbeck

A verse by verse study of the book of Hebrews.

III     Jesus the High Priest (3:1-5:10)
    A     A Faithful High Priest (3:1 4:13)
        1    Jesus is faithful (Greater Than Moses) (3:1-6)
    B    Exhortation – We must be faithful (3:7-4-14)
        1    Avoid Past Mistakes (3:7-19)
                a    OT citation (3:7-11)
                b    Instead encourage one another (3:12-15)

                c    Example – the followers of Moses (3:16-18)
                d    Link (3:19)
        2    The Rest of God (4:1-11)



Hebrews 3:2-10

Saturday, April 26th, 2014 by Elgin Hushbeck

A verse by verse study of the book of Hebrews.

NOTE: Due to technical issues 2:18-3:1 was not recorded.

III     Jesus the High Priest (3:1-5:10)
    A     A Faithful High Priest (3:1 4:13)
        1    Jesus is faithful (Greater Than Moses) (3:1-6)
            a    Faithful to God’s house (3:1-6a)
            b    Link – We are God’s house (3:6b)
        2    Exhortation – We must be faithful (3:7-4-14)
            a    Avoid Past Mistakes (3:7-19)
                i    OT citation (3:7-11)



Hebrews 2:3-7

Friday, April 4th, 2014 by Elgin Hushbeck

A verse by verse study of the book of Hebrews.

II The Superiority Jesus (1:5 2:18)
   A Jesus is Superior to the angels (1:5-14)
   B Exhortation – pay close attention (2:1-4)
   C Jesus shares in our humanity (2:5-18)
      1 World to come subject to man – not angels (2:5)
      2    Humanity’s exultation (2:6-9a)

      3       Jesus is like us (2:9b)
      4          Perfected through suffering (2:10)
      5       Jesus is our brother (2:11-13)
      6    Humanity’s freedom from death (2:14-15)
      7 Jesus becomes one of Abraham’s descendants – not an angel (2:16)

