March 2025


To Love and Cherish

Doing Apologetics

Christianity: The Basics

What is Wrong with Social Justice

Christianity and Secularism

Evidence for the Bible

Hebrews 5:7-5:12

May 14th, 2014 by Elgin Hushbeck

A verse by verse study of the book of Hebrews.

III     Jesus the High Priest (3:1-5:10)
    A     A Faithful High Priest (3:1 4:13)
    B     Exhortation – We must be faithful (3:7-4-14)
    C     A Compassionate High Priest (4:14-5:9)
        1    Jesus has experienced human weakness (4:14-16)
        2    Example of other high priest (5:1-4)
        3    Jesus fulfills the example (5:5-9)
                a    Appointed by God (5:5-6)
                b    His life among us (5:7-9)
        4    Link – just like Melchizedek (5:10)
IV     The Great Work of Jesus (5:11-10:39)
    A     Preliminary Exhortation (5:11 6:20)
        1    You are still infants (5:11-14)

Hebrews 4:14-5:6

May 14th, 2014 by Elgin Hushbeck

A verse by verse study of the book of Hebrews.

III     Jesus the High Priest (3:1-5:10)
    A     A Faithful High Priest (3:1 4:13)
    B     Exhortation – We must be faithful (3:7-4-14)
    C     A Compassionate High Priest (4:14-5:9)
        1    Jesus has experienced human weakness (4:14-16)
        2    Example of other high priest (5:1-4)
        3    Jesus fulfills the example (5:5-9)
                a    Appointed by God (5:5-6)

                b    His life among us (5:7-9)
        4    Link – just like Melchizedek (5:10)

Hebrews 4:10-13

May 1st, 2014 by Elgin Hushbeck

A verse by verse study of the book of Hebrews.

III     Jesus the High Priest (3:1-5:10)
    A     A Faithful High Priest (3:1 4:13)
    B    Exhortation – We must be faithful (3:7-4-14)
        1    Avoid Past Mistakes (3:7-19)
        2    The Rest of God (4:1-11)
                a    Exhortation to Enter (4:1)
                b    Contrast with Wilderness Generation(4:2-6)
                c    God’s rest still open (4:7-10)
                d    Exhortation to Enter (4:11)
        3    Heed The Warning – God sees all (4:12-13)

    C     A Faithful High Priest (3:1 4:13)

Hebrews 4:3-8

May 1st, 2014 by Elgin Hushbeck

A verse by verse study of the book of Hebrews.
III     Jesus the High Priest (3:1-5:10)
    A     A Faithful High Priest (3:1 4:13)
    B    Exhortation – We must be faithful (3:7-4-14)
        1    Avoid Past Mistakes (3:7-19)
        2    The Rest of God (4:1-11)
                a    Exhortation to Enter (4:1)
                b    Contrast with Wilderness Generation(4:2-6)
                c    God’s rest still open (4:7-10)

                d    Exhortation to Enter (4:11)

Hebrews 3:15-4:2

April 30th, 2014 by Elgin Hushbeck

A verse by verse study of the book of Hebrews.

III     Jesus the High Priest (3:1-5:10)
    A     A Faithful High Priest (3:1 4:13)
        1    Jesus is faithful (Greater Than Moses) (3:1-6)
    B    Exhortation – We must be faithful (3:7-4-14)
        1    Avoid Past Mistakes (3:7-19)
                i    OT citation (3:7-11)
                ii    Instead encourage one another (3:12-15)
                iii    Example – the followers of Moses (3:16-18)
                iv    Link (3:19)
        2    The Rest of God (4:1-11)
                a    Exhortation to Enter (4:1)
                b    Contrast with Wilderness Generation(4:2-6)

                c    God’s rest still open (4:7-10)
                d    Exhortation to Enter (4:11)

Hebrews 3:11-15

April 30th, 2014 by Elgin Hushbeck

A verse by verse study of the book of Hebrews.

III     Jesus the High Priest (3:1-5:10)
    A     A Faithful High Priest (3:1 4:13)
        1    Jesus is faithful (Greater Than Moses) (3:1-6)
    B    Exhortation – We must be faithful (3:7-4-14)
        1    Avoid Past Mistakes (3:7-19)
                a    OT citation (3:7-11)
                b    Instead encourage one another (3:12-15)

                c    Example – the followers of Moses (3:16-18)
                d    Link (3:19)
        2    The Rest of God (4:1-11)

Hebrews 3:2-10

April 26th, 2014 by Elgin Hushbeck

A verse by verse study of the book of Hebrews.

NOTE: Due to technical issues 2:18-3:1 was not recorded.

III     Jesus the High Priest (3:1-5:10)
    A     A Faithful High Priest (3:1 4:13)
        1    Jesus is faithful (Greater Than Moses) (3:1-6)
            a    Faithful to God’s house (3:1-6a)
            b    Link – We are God’s house (3:6b)
        2    Exhortation – We must be faithful (3:7-4-14)
            a    Avoid Past Mistakes (3:7-19)
                i    OT citation (3:7-11)

Hebrews 2:11-17

April 26th, 2014 by Elgin Hushbeck

A verse by verse study of the book of Hebrews.

II The Superiority Jesus (1:5 2:18)
   A Jesus is Superior to the angels (1:5-14)
   B Exhortation – pay close attention (2:1-4)
   C Jesus shares in our humanity (2:5-18)
      1 World to come subject to man – not angels (2:5)
       2   Humanity’s exultation (2:6-9a)
      3       Jesus is like us (2:9b)
      4          Perfected through suffering (2:10)
       5       Jesus is our brother (2:11-13)
      6    Humanity’s freedom from death (2:14-15)
      7 Jesus becomes one of Abraham’s descendants – not an angel (2:16)
   D Link (2:17-18)

Hebrews 2:7-10

April 6th, 2014 by Elgin Hushbeck

A verse by verse study of the book of Hebrews.

II The Superiority Jesus (1:5 2:18)
 A Jesus is Superior to the angels (1:5-14)
   B Exhortation – pay close attention (2:1-4)
   C Jesus shares in our humanity (2:5-18)
      1 World to come subject to man – not angels (2:5)
      2   Humanity’s exultation (2:6-9a)
      3       Jesus is like us (2:9b)
      4          Perfected through suffering (2:10)

      5       Jesus is our brother (2:11-13)
      6    Humanity’s freedom from death (2:14-15)
      7 Jesus becomes one of Abraham’s descendants – not an angel (2:16)

Consider Christianity Week 2014

April 6th, 2014 by Elgin Hushbeck

Today marks the beginning of Consider Christianity week.   The main goal of CC Week is to equip Christians with the knowledge and ability to “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do so with gentleness and respect” (1 Pet 3:15). Not only will this strengthen their faith, but it will increase the effectiveness of their witness.

New this year will be a series of discussion sponsored by Energion Publications where a number of authors will participate in panel discussions which can be seen in a live stream or accessed in the Energion Publications’ channel on YouTube at a later time. Energion will also monitor our special Twitter account (#ccweek2014) so observers of the live stream can Tweet any questions they have during the one hour broadcast. You can see a schedule of the discussions here. We hope you will join us!